How to Install/Uninstall Ioncube Loaders V13 on cPanel Manually

How to Install Ioncube Loaders V13 on cPanel Manually

How to Install Ioncube Loaders V13 on cPanel Manually

Ioncube Loaders are essential for many PHP applications, as they encrypt and protect PHP code from unauthorized access. While Ioncube Loaders V13 has been released, it is not yet available for automatic installation in cPanel’s EasyApache 4 (EA4). This guide provides a step-by-step process to manually install Ioncube V13 in cPanel, even on CloudLinux environments, by switching to the appropriate EA-PHP version.

Step 1: Remove Existing Ioncube Loaders

Before installing Ioncube V13, you need to remove any previous versions (V11 or V12) that might be installed. Use the following command to remove the currently installed Ioncube loader. Replace the version number in the command as needed.

For example, to remove Ioncube V12 from EA-PHP 8.1, run:

yum remove ea-php81-php-ioncube12

Step 2: Install Ioncube V13

Once the previous version is removed, proceed with installing Ioncube V13. Ensure you have root access or equivalent privileges to execute this command. Below is the command to install Ioncube V13 for EA-PHP 8.1:

yum install ea-php81-php-ioncube13.x86_64

Note: Adjust the PHP version (ea-php81) in the command based on the version you are using.

Step 3: Switch Your Website to the Desired PHP Version

After installing Ioncube V13, ensure that your website is configured to use the PHP version that includes the new loaders. This can typically be done via your cPanel account or WHM interface.

Step 4: Verify the Installation

Create a PHP info page to confirm that Ioncube Loaders V13 has been installed successfully. This page will display detailed information about the PHP configuration, including the Ioncube version.

Create a PHP Info Page

  1. Create a new file named phpinfo.php in your website’s root directory.
  2. Add the following PHP code to the file: <?php phpinfo(); ?>
  3. Save the file and navigate to it in your web browser, e.g.,
  4. Search for the term ioncube on the page. If the installation is successful, you will see information about the newly installed Ioncube V13 loader.

Workaround for CloudLinux Environments

Currently, Ioncube Loaders V13 cannot be installed directly in CloudLinux environments. As a workaround, you can:

  1. Manually install Ioncube V13 to EA-PHP in cPanel.
  2. Switch your website to the PHP version that supports the new Ioncube loaders.


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